Saturday, 24 November 2018

Water shortage in India

                           Water Shortage in India

One of the major crises facing the Country is the looming water shortage. A recent   report of UN had named India among the worst 

countries for poor quality of water. The report ranks 122 countries for poor quality of water. As well as their basically because of the 

quality of its ground water. Rains fills most of parts of India last year and the vast areas of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Arunachal 

Pradesh and Orrisa were in the grip of devastating Drought. People without water turn desperate and violent. Villagers in Rajasthan last 

year attacked the food water corporation godowns . Worse may be coming. With man refusing to

Control pollution (America, the worlds greatest polluter refuses to cooperate with the countries) the world is getting hotter. This means 

that the great ice shelves (weighting billions of tonnes) of Antarctic are collapsing. We cannot even imagine the dangerous 

consequences. Last century, sea levels in Venice rose by one step of a staircase. This century they are expected to rise five steps of the 

staircase. AN additional cause for Venice`s sinking is the drainage of underground water table due to industrialization. The water table 

in our cities has also been going lower and lower. When ocean level rises, Tuvalu in Pacific ocean will be the first to go under the waves. 

Citizens of that country are always migrating to New Zealand.

So, It is my great appeal to all of you to Pay attention towards our nature and help to save our Earth. 
And please save water  

Also read : Child Labor- a real recuse to humanity                                                                                    
Image result for child labour
Child labor

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