Thursday, 18 November 2021

How to play GTA 5 on Android? How to play GTA 5 using stream link?

 How to play GTA 5 on Android?

GTA 5 has been a great sensation since 2013, this is the most played game among gamers. Everyone loves to play this game. It is a PC game and requires a high end PC requirement to run it smoothly and this is the reason why most of us can’t afford to play this, we just end up watching GTA 5 streams and videos on youtube. But today in this article i will tell you how to  play this game over a mid range android phone yes android phone! Using stream link You don;t even need a PC! So without any further delay let's head on to`day's article.

What is Stream Link?


Steam Link is developed by Valve company that  helps you to control your games using a smartphone but you need a fast internet connection in order to play it smoothly. They have paid games as well as many free games available so you need not to worry.

How to use stream link?

Steps to use stream link:

  1. Firstly download the Stream link app from Google Play store or App store if you are IOS user

  2. Download and open Stream on your PC and login via your stream id, if you don’t have id then you have to create a new id

  3. Wait till the scan is complete and select your PC from the list (connect your PC and phone through same network, to be found on stream

  4. Enter the code shown on your phone in pc and wait till the process is completed.

  5. You are done now , Enjoy gaming!

How to play GTA 5 using stream link ?

  1. Connect your device to the stream app running on your PC

  2. When your device is succesfully connected , go to library where you can find all the games , paid as well as free

  3. Now select GTA 5 on your device and you are ready to play !

So this is how you can play GTA 5 using a android or IOS phone without actually downloading them. If you liked the post please do share with your friends!

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